The Various Use Cases of SD-WAN

The Various Use Cases of SD-WAN

As an essential component in the digital transformation of companies, Wide-Area Networks (WAN) must evolve to become resilient, scalable and secure architectures, and thus respond to the necessary changes in networks. Growing digital needs, a democratization of cloud...
How to prevent and mitigate ransomware attacks?

How to prevent and mitigate ransomware attacks?

Toujours plus pesante au fur et à mesure des années, cette nouvelle manifestation du crime organisé coûte aux entreprises et aux institutions des sommes exponentiellement plus élevées. Mais qu’est-ce qu’un rançongiciel ? Qui sont derrière ces attaques ? Quel est leur impact, et comment s’en prémunir ? Tour d’horizon en 2021.

Happy new year 2021

Happy new year 2021

All the Sonema teams wish you a very happy new year 2021, full of projects and successes for you and your loved ones.